LM+ Onboarding Personalisation

Problem: By conducting UX research, analysing data, and providing customer support, we identified core friction points and key drop-offs in the onboarding experience. The onboarding process had inconsistent UI, convoluted language, and lacked industry-standard payment options (Zip, Afterpay and Applepay), which impacted conversion rates and retention.

Summary: Gathering essential customer information is crucial for Onboarding Personalisation. It helps us to categorise our users based on their preferences. This way, when they visit our homepage, they are presented with the most relevant content that aligns with their interests. We have streamlined the process, including only the necessary steps for users to use the app. For example, we have removed the permissions for camera access and users’ location to simplify the UX. We have also simplified the UX to enable users to interact with the product effortlessly, building trust in less time.

Process: We organised several workshops to identify the critical questions without overburdening the users. To determine the value of marketing, we collaborated with various teams using the RACI model. We conducted usability testing with GetFeedback on non-Les Mills+ customers and rapid testing on the street. The team was a cross-functional team with engineering, marketing, LT, QA, Designers chapter and stakeholders to consult. 

Results: We improved growth on LM+; data showed users tap content faster, and retention enhanced in the first minute.


  • Date: 12/04/2023
  • Categories: Interaction and Motion, Mobile Design, Product Design, UX, UX Research
  • URL: https://try.lesmillsondemand.com/